[LCC] ARRL VHF/UHF contest this weekend

Mark, K5ER k5er at arrl.net
Tue Jan 15 22:34:16 CST 2013

Please mark your calendars - in addition to the NAQP, one of the premier 
VHF contests is also taking place this weekend. There are several rules 
tweaks, including an FM ONLY category, so those with only a mobile or HT 
can get on and have fun. Some will run a couple of bands and modes and at 
least one club member, K5QE, who is always competitive at the national 
level will be running most bands from 6 meters up. He hasn't posted 
anything yet, but Marshall is usually looking for guest operators, and if 
you can't travel to his well appointed station, please be sure to get on 
and work him and any other stations you can find. Complete rules can be 
found at: http://www.arrl.org/january-vhf  

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