[LCC] ARRL VHF/UHF contest this weekend

Marshall-K5QE k5qe at k5qe.com
Wed Jan 16 13:10:33 CST 2013

Hello Mark and all the LCC ops......I have not posted anything here 
because I have been up to my tail in alligators trying to get ready for 
the VHF contest.  As Mark has said, it is this weekend--the contest 
starts at 1PM local time on Sat and ends at 10PM local time on Sunday 
night.  Last year, we won the VHF contest for the entire country and we 
are making a serious effort to do that again.  If any of you have 6M and 
higher, please get on the air and work us on whatever bands you have.  
Usually, the right thing to do is to call in on 2M(144.200MHz) and then 
we will direct you to the other bands.  We really would appreciate 
whatever contacts we can get from the "easterly direction"....HI.

There is a new class in the contest this year....the FM only class.  We 
will be looking for 2M FM contacts at 9PM on Saturday and Sunday on 
146.58MHz simplex.  If you don't have any other VHF gear, please try to 
contact us on 146.58 simplex.  We have a 9el vertically polarized beam 
at 170ft fed with 1 5/8" Heliax for our FM contacts.  On FM, we will 
have to be turning the antenna and calling in several different 
directions, so don't give up on us if you don't hear us right at 9PM.  
We will be turning the antenna and calling all around.  Thanks for 
that.  NOTE:  Someone in LCC could easily win the FM only class of the 
VHF contest by getting on FM and making a serious effort.  I don't know 
of anyone in LA that actively runs these contests(although LCC should) 
so some enterprising LCC member could win this category....maybe for the 
entire Division.

Mark is also right that we are always looking for good ops for the 
contests.  This time we are especially hurting as two of my operators 
have cancelled out at the last minute.  Ted-KN5O is going to be here as 
Ted is one of our faithful operators.  SO, if any of the LCC group, 
other than Ted-KN5O, would like to help us out this time, I would really 
appreciate it.  We will be running digital meteor scatter schedules on 
6M and 2M as well as 2M EME. We will have a corps of rovers running 
around over here handing out contacts on up to 10 bands(some of them) 
and up to 10 different grids.  So, there is a lot of stuff to work.  For 
a look at what we have available, go to my web site, www.k5qe.com, and 
click on Station Video.....as you will see, we do have a serious VHF 
contest station....the only one anywhere around here.

We do have bunks in the contest station and also at Bill's contest 
station, so you won't have to foot a motel bill.  We feed pretty well 

Speaking of the rovers, we have the Red Rover that is an 8 band rover 
with no driver / operator for that vehicle.  It is all set up and ready 
to go out, but we need one or two ops to run it.  The Red Rover uses two 
IC7000s for the IF rigs and has high power on all the bands up to 
3456MHz with medium sized antennas.  IF anyone would be available to 
drive that, it would be great.  Please contact me ASAP via email or 
phone me.

GL to the LCC all the way around, but especially in the VHF contest....HI.

73 Marshall K5QE
Phone is 409-787-3830 at the home shack.....if you want to talk....

P.S.  Mark....thanks for the reminder and the shameless plug....

On 1/15/2013 10:34 PM, Mark, K5ER wrote:
> Please mark your calendars - in addition to the NAQP, one of the 
> premier VHF contests is also taking place this weekend. There are 
> several rules tweaks, including an FM ONLY category, so those with 
> only a mobile or HT can get on and have fun. Some will run a couple of 
> bands and modes and at least one club member, K5QE, who is always 
> competitive at the national level will be running most bands from 6 
> meters up. He hasn't posted anything yet, but Marshall is usually 
> looking for guest operators, and if you can't travel to his well 
> appointed station, please be sure to get on and work him and any other 
> stations you can find. Complete rules can be found at: 
> http://www.arrl.org/january-vhf

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