Don Hill AA5AU aa5au at bellsouth.net
Sat Feb 24 09:51:46 CST 2018

The NAQP RTTY is today. Starts at 1800Z (noon CST). I wasn't going to form a
team because I'm not sure I'll participate. I'm on call at work and have
other things I need to do. However, I will try to make some contacts and
will form a team for those interested. I need to know the call you will be
using in the contest, and if different from your call, I need your call and
I need to know the name you will be using. So far....

AA5AU Don 
WM5H Bobby

When the XYL says it's time to go to the store, I'll make the team on the
NAQP site because I may not make it back before the start.


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