Scott Dickson w5wz at w5wz.com
Sun Jan 17 17:28:53 EST 2010

First, congratulations to Keith, K5ENS.  It looks like he gave me and K5ER a
good spanking with the vertical and K3 from Richland Parish.  But, it's OK
as long as he's still on the LCC team!


I worked KC5WA on 2 bands, and heard W5WMU on 2 bands, but never heard any
other LCC members.


>From 1919Z to 1946Z, I was running on 14.314.  Some guy came on and told me
there was Haiti relief net on at 14.313 that I was interfering with.  14.313
was not in the published list of emcom frequencies, but I moved anyway to
14.316.  Later on 40m, some guy tried his best to burn up an amp while
tuning up on my run frequency.  He timed it perfectly with my listening
after each CQ, and kept doing it for nearly an hour.  The notch filter
worked ok; I still needed an ARB filter (that's Anti-Red Butt) for my


I managed to spend 4 hours 56 minutes on the air.   It was lots of fun for
short period of time.  We had our youngest daughter's birthday party /
family gathering at our home yesterday.  Once that ended, I couldn't seem to
get motivated to try very hard - too much cake and ice cream, I guess.



Band      QSOs     Pts  Sec   NA

   1.8       4       4    4    0

   3.5       5       5    4    0

     7     140     140   29    0

    14     177     177   36    0

    21      78      78   15    0

 Total     404     404   88    0

Score: 35,552





NA QSO SSB - 2010-01-16 1800Z to 2010-01-17 0600Z - 407 QSOs

W5WZ Max Rates:


2010-01-16 1924Z - 5.0 per minute  (01 minute(s)), 300 per hour by W5WZ

2010-01-16 1933Z - 3.5 per minute  (10 minute(s)), 210 per hour by W5WZ

2010-01-16 2007Z - 2.1 per minute  (60 minute(s)), 126 per hour by W5WZ


Average rate entire operating time: 404 QSOs / 296 mins = 82 QSOs per hour
or 1.4 QSOs per min




NA QSO SSB - 2010-01-16 1800Z to 2010-01-17 0600Z - 407 QSOs

W5WZ Runs >10 QSOs:


2010-01-16 1822 - 1903Z,   21315 kHz, 67 Qs,  96.3/hr W5WZ

2010-01-16 1919 - 1946Z,   14314 kHz, 83 Qs, 182.3/hr W5WZ

2010-01-16 1949 - 2011Z,   14316 kHz, 39 Qs, 103.8/hr W5WZ

2010-01-17 0005 - 0017Z,   14195 kHz, 20 Qs, 104.3/hr W5WZ

2010-01-17 0026 - 0058Z,    7203 kHz, 60 Qs, 110.5/hr W5WZ

2010-01-17 0101 - 0145Z,    7188 kHz, 78 Qs, 106.2/hr W5WZ





--Scott, W5WZ

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