[LCC] Contest Branch Report

Mark Ketchell k5er at arrl.net
Wed Aug 11 14:35:03 EDT 2010

>Subject: Contest Branch Report - Week of August 9, 2010
>Date: Aug 10, 2010 7:56 AM
>Just 36 hours after the contest, and we have received 63 logs for the
>2010 August UHF contest.
>3,482 logs have been received for the 2010 IARU HF Championships.
>1,117 logs have been received for the 2010 June VHF QSO Party. Data now
>is in the hands of the adjudicator and results data will be
>delivered to the Contest Branch by August 20.
>A list of 2010 Sweepstakes plaques that is available for club or
>individual sponsorship is now online at
>http://www.arrl.org/plaques-and-certificates. More contests will be
>added to this list.
>The Rookie Roundup is this weekend: Sunday, August 15 from 1800-2400
>UTC. To avoid some of the last-minute confusion we
>encountered back in April due to technical issues, we've made a score
>reporting form available on the Rookie Roundup page that
>all entrants must use. The rules are at www.arrl.org/rookie-roundup;
>please get on and work the Rookies, even if only for a little bit.
>Contest Branch Manager Sean Kutzko, KX9X will represent ARRL at the
>Tokyo Ham Fair the weekend of August 21. He will be hosted
>by JARL and will spend time in Tokyo checking cards for various ARRL
>awards. He will be out of the office from August 16-25.

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