[LCC] LAQP is coming soon!

w5wz at w5wz.com w5wz at w5wz.com
Wed Mar 25 20:59:04 CDT 2020


I hope you and your families are well.

The LAQP will be upon us very soon, on April 4th.  I've been putting 
N5LCC on the air each evening, running stations and inviting them to 
participate in the LAQP.  I'm getting good feedback; the State QSO party 
challenge this year seems to be helping also.  Please likewise get on 
the air some between now and the LAQP.  Invite and encourage others to 
participate on April 4th.  Then make plans as you are able to 
participate in the LAQP.  Find a frequency and call CQ - the stations 
outside Louisiana will be looking for you!

Now just a brief update on behind the scenes stuff the LAQP committee 
has been working on.  The new LAQP LOG HANDLING WEBSITE is nearing 
completion, built by WA7BNM/N5KO/K5TR, and sponsored by World Wide Radio 
Operators Foundation.  This site will enable:

-Online log submission form – similar to ARRL and CQ sponsored contests 
which are familiar tools to many hams
-Real-time generated log received confirmation email
-Real-time updated list of logs received on the website
-Permanent online log repository, with search tools
-Adjudication and log checking via powerful software
-Online database of scores and results
-Online dynamic certificate generation, available to the end user on 

If you feel inclined, please support the WWROF with a donation, and 
thank them for their work in behalf of the LAQP and other radio 
activities that you enjoy.

Lastly, if you have not recently visited, please go to 
Take a look around, and enjoy the colors of the national champion LSU 

--Scott, W5WZ

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