[LCC] Call history file

Marsh KA5M marsh at ka5m.net
Fri Jan 11 07:57:53 CST 2019

So far, I've never seen in the rules for any contest that "History" (N1MM+)
or "Prefill" (WriteLog) files were not allowed. 

Some contesters feel that "prefill"  equals "pre-bust".  My opinion is that
If they believe that, then they do not understand prefill files or know how
to use them as intended. What they are missing is that the receiving
operator MUST still copy and verify the exchange and never just accept the
info in the prefill as correct.

In my opinion, in a contest with a long exchange like Sweepstakes, it is
much faster when logging to compare what is received to the prefill and make
corrections as necessary, than it is to type in the complete exchange. 

Marsh, KA5M 

-----Original Message-----
From: LCC <lcc-bounces at louisianacontestclub.org> On Behalf Of
keith at kathyandkeith.mx
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2019 7:08 AM
To: LCC at louisianacontestclub.org
Subject: [LCC] Call history file


I would like some feedback on who is using call history files?

Do you use this feature in N1MM+ or other contesting software that has the
option?  N1MM+ by having this as an option leads me to believe it is ok as
far as the contesting community is consered.  And I see no way to police its

I am trying to get a feel from the contest community how most of you think
about this type of "help".

A lot of groups maintain these list for different contest, but should they
be allowed?

Thanks for your time

Keith, KV5J

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