[LCC] RTTY Roundup practice sessions - first session

Don Hill AA5AU aa5au at bellsouth.net
Fri Dec 27 17:50:14 CST 2019

There are four scheduled practice sessions for the ARRL RTTY Roundup. The contest is next weekend.


Here is a list of scheduled practice sessions. One is at 9 PM tonight if you need to check out your setup.




From: rttydigital at groups.io [mailto:rttydigital at groups.io] On Behalf Of jeff stai wk6i
Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2019 3:02 PM
To: rttydigital at groups.io; RTTY at groups.io Group Moderators; ft8-digital-mode at groups.io; WSJT-Group; WSJTX at groups.io
Subject: [RttyDigital] RTTY Roundup practice sessions - first session


... is tomorrow/Friday evening, NA time:


0200-0230 UTC, 28 December (Friday evening NA time) - RTTY focus

0230-0300 UTC, 28 December (Friday evening NA time) - FT4/8 focus


Details below - see you then! - jeff wk6i


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In the interest of helping everyone get their FT4/8 and RTTY game together, we're scheduling an extended number of practice sessions for both FT4/8 and RTTY. (For RTTY-only practice, don't forget we also have the NS RTTY on Thursdays http://www.ncccsprint.com/rttyns.html )


0200-0230 UTC, 28 December (Friday evening NA time) - RTTY focus

0230-0300 UTC, 28 December (Friday evening NA time) - FT4/8 focus


0200-0230 UTC, 31 December (Monday evening NA time) - RTTY focus

0230-0300 UTC, 31 December (Monday evening NA time) - FT4/8 focus


2200-2230 UTC, 3 January (Friday afternoon NA time) - RTTY focus

2230-2300 UTC, 3 January (Friday afternoon NA time) - FT4/8 focus


0200-0230 UTC, 4 January (Friday evening NA time) - RTTY focus

0230-0300 UTC, 4 January (Friday evening NA time) - FT4/8 focus


"Focus" just means: let's focus on RTTY or FT for the 30 minutes - but if you want to practice switching back and forth between RTTY and FT by all means do so. I expect you'll find others of a like mind, it sounds like a good exercise.


Operate just like it's the real thing that starts on Saturday the 4th. Use whatever bands are open and active for you at each time slot. For FT8, let's avoid the default "watering holes" - the following dial frequencies as recommended by Joe K1JT in the January 2019 QST** would be a good starting place: 3590, 7080, 14130, 21130, 28160.


For FT4 - since FT4 is a designated contest mode anyway - start with the default dial frequencies currently baked into WSJT-x 2.1: 3575, 7047.5, 14080, 21140, 28180.


Most of all, have fun over the weekend in the RTTY Round-Up! Take some photos of your operation and send them and/or a summary of your experience to me, Jeff WK6I - especially anything around your decisions on how to use (or not use) FT8. It will help me write up the contest for the QST article.


73 jeff wk6i


** Below is a link to the article by Joe K1JT for reference.


http://www.arrlorg/files/file/ContestResults/2019/January%202019%20QST%20-%20Taylor%20-%20FT8.pdf <http://www.arrl.org/files/file/ContestResults/2019/January%202019%20QST%20-%20Taylor%20-%20FT8.pdf> 



Jeff Stai ~ WK6I ~ wk6i.jeff at gmail.com

RTTY op at W7RN

Twisted Oak Winery ~ http://www.twistedoak.com/



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