[LCC] FW: Phone Fray - Seeking Club Champions

Roland Guidry rguidry at na5q.us
Fri Jan 1 14:29:33 CST 2016

Passing it on!
Roland NA5Q
We're looking for a few good men to help with Phone Fray "advertising"
within their respective radio clubs.  Phone Fray's two primary goals are to
provide a platform for ops to improve their phone contesting skills and the
development of new contesters.  Since Phone Fray is weekly and patterned
after NAQP SSB and NCCC's NS, there is enough challenge for the veteran and
it is easily accessible to new contesters.  100w and a wire is all that is
needed!  Launched on 29 JUL, we've had 22 Frays so far.  Here is a link to
the rules:
Can you please help me generate a short list of hams that might be willing
to help advertise the Phone Fray within your club?  I think the "job" is
easy....weekly club reflector posts, reaching out to new club members,
elmering folks on strategy, and generally being supportive of contesting
skills improvement and increasing action on the bands.  Some of you might
already be on the job!  If so, please tell me about your PF recruitment
activities and what is working and what's not.
NAQP SSB is in two weeks.  The 30-minute Phone Fray is perfect for NAQP
practice.  Tuesday nights at 9:30 EST (0230 UTC Wednesdays).  We get
anywhere from 20-50 scores posted each week to 3830scores.  Scores range
from 75/45 to 30/25 depending on conditions and who comes out.
Thanks for your help!
Happy New Year!
73, Dean, NW2K
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