[LCC] W1AW/5 medallions

Mark Ketchell k5er at arrl.net
Sat May 23 15:29:14 CDT 2015

Hi Guys,
      Figured I better pop in at some point. Even as the state 
Coordinators, Scott and I weren't informed of "what" would be coming, 
only that each person who operated as W1AW/X would receive "something 
really nice and appropriate" in recognition of their participation in 
this once in a lifetime event. I haven't heard from anyone in other 
states, but looking at the calls of those of us who have received 
theirs, it appears that they may(?) be going out alphabetical by 
callsign. Bottom line, they are shipping as more of our participants 
have now gotten one.

      For our two weeks, we had about 67 operators (some were dupes) 
participate in the W1AW portable program. Considering all 50 states 
and territories, that means there were several thousand of these 
gifts, each unique, which had to be ordered, engraved, assembled, 
packaged, labeled and mailed. Since these involve more that simply 
printing a certificate, please have patience as they go through the 
lists, producing these personalized mementos.

      On behalf of Scott, W5WZ, and all those who helped us, it was 
our pleasure to lead the effort for Louisiana, and encourage all our 
participants. What a thrill it was to be W1AW/5 LA. We gave out 
55,824 contacts, and for those who can't stop contesting, we had an 
overall rate of 53/hour.

      I would be remiss if I didn't mention the support we had from 
ARRL HQ. Dave Patton, NN1N, who contacted and motivated all the state 
coordinators, and Joe Carcia, NJ1Q, who received, signed and uploaded 
each and every log into LoTW. These guys worked tirelessly with us to 
insure that every valid qsl request got a match - an awesome task, 
considering there were over 3.5 MILLION qso's generated in this event

      If you haven't received your desk set yet, please be patient. 
It takes some time to produce this many individualized items. If, 
after several more weeks, you still haven't received yours, please 
let me know. Even as efficient as they are, it is inevitable that a 
few may slip through the cracks or get lost in the mail. We will want 
to insure that each of you gets your gift. In the mean time, remember 
fondly how much fun it was to use that world famous call, and let the 
gift be a permanent reminder of participation in a wonderful event.

Mark, K5ER
W1AW/5 LA coordinator


>I'm know Fred WW4LL got one and was a multi, but I don't think Art 
>K5FNQ or Don AA5AU hosted multis, and they received one.
>I'm with you Steve, wait and see.
>Subject: Re: [LCC] W1AW/5 medallions
>i belive these are for ops that hosted multi-ops during w1aw/5
>however i have not seen one for my station, yet
>i am sure it is either in the mail or an oversight
>and am willing to wait and see
>On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 7:23 PM, Art (K5FNQ) 
><<mailto:k5fnq at lusfiber.net>k5fnq at lusfiber.net> wrote:
>I received mine about a week or so ago.
>Sent an email to Bert and he did not have his at that time
>Really neat and quite unexpected.
>A real keeper for the shack
>Art K5FNQ
>On 5/22/2015 6:18 PM, Don AA5AU wrote:
>Did anyone else receive these? If not, I'm wondering why I did.
>Don AA5AU
>From: Don AA5AU <mailto:aa5au at bellsouth.net><aa5au at bellsouth.net>
>Subject: [LCC] W1AW/5 medallions
>Received some very handsome medallions today from the ARRL for the 
>W1AW/5 operation. Really great gesture from the League.
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