[LCC] nomination of officers for 2015

Mark Ketchell k5er at arrl.net
Sun Sep 21 21:22:28 CDT 2014

Hello fellow LCC members,
	It is once again time to think about who you want to run OUR club 
next year. The current officers are:
President: KG5VK, Steve
Vice President: WM5H, Bobby
Sec/Treas: W5WZ, Scott
Director: KN5O, Ted
Director, KA5M, Marsh

Each has agreed to serve for another year, if elected

Nominations were opened at the Shreveport meeting, and each of the 
current officers was nominated to serve another term. As we have in 
the past, a page has been set up for additional nominations. Please 
visit the LCC web site, www.n5lcc.com. There should be a red scroll 
at the top (if not, please hit your refresh button), just follow the 
link and you will come to a page allowing you to nominate officers. 
You MUST be a paid member in good standing to submit a selection.

At the end of the nomination period, the nominations will be tallied 
and about the weekend of October 4-5, the nomination page will change 
to show all nominees and allow for voting until October 16. For those 
who do not vote electronically, you can vote in person at the 
Pineville meeting on October 18.

Mark, K5ER

PS: Please take time to thank Roland, NA5Q for his continued awesome 
work on the club's web site.

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