[LCC] IARU results

Mark, K5ER k5er at arrl.net
Tue Jul 15 12:04:13 CDT 2014

Hey Steve,
         You do know they have those swimmy things in some stores now - 
already cleaned. There are also some restaurants that will even batter and 
fry them, along with tarter sauce and a side, and you don't even have to 
get sun burned or mess with scaling or cleaning them yourself, or miss 
something really fun like a radio contest. Just saying...   ;-)

Mark, K5ER

>looks like I missed a good one,
>Got the invite to go to a lake camp for some bass fishing
>4 days worth of fishing and relaxing results....
>98 large mouth Bass
>5 sand bass
>1 Catfish (yuck)
>had fun

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