[LCC] U.S. House of Representatives: Co-sponsor HR.4969, the "Amateur Radio Parity Act of 2014" - Sign the Petition!

Marsh Stewart marsh at ka5m.net
Sat Jul 5 07:09:29 CDT 2014

Please consider signing this petition:

HR.4969 would require the FCC, within 120 days of the Bill's passage, to
amend the Part 97 Amateur Service rules to apply PRB-1
scriptions> coverage to include homeowners' association regulations and deed
restrictions, often referred to as "covenants, conditions, and restrictions"
(CC&Rs).  PRB-1 states that local governments cannot preclude Amateur Radio
communications; they must "reasonably accommodate" amateur operations, and
the state and local regulations must be the minimum practicable regulation
to accomplish a legitimate governmental interest. 
Presently, PRB-1 only applies to state and local zoning laws and ordinances.
Since PRB-1 was enacted, the FCC has said several times that it would prefer
to have some guidance from Congress before extending the policy to private
land-use regulations.  HR.4969 will provide that guidance, and give PRB-1
the force of Federal law.  
Radio amateurs, while providing a valuable and necessary service to their
communities, are frequently and increasingly precluded from installing
necessary equipment (antennas, coax, etc) by unreasonable private land-use
restrictions, including restrictive CC&R covenants.  The net effect of
HR.4969 passage will be to suppress those unreasonable restrictions and
allow licensed amateurs to install reasonable equipment for practicing our
hobby and having the means to serve our communities.  
Sign Petition	




Marsh, KA5M

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