[LCC] NAQP SSB this weekend

Mark Ketchell k5er at arrl.net
Sat Aug 16 10:19:40 CDT 2014

Hey guys,
	I have heard from a few, and now have six interested in team 
competition. How about a few more? Let me know if you are going to 
play in NAQP SSB and I'll get you on a team. Contest starts at 1PM 
local (CDT) today, and teams have to be registered before the start 
of the contest. Complete rules are at  http://ncjweb.com/NAQP-Rules.pdf

	If you want to be on a team, drop me a note and let me know if you 
will be full time or part time.

-Mark, K5ER

This is what I have so far. Who else wants to be on a team?

Call		Full/Part
K5ER		full
KG5VK	full
XE3/K5ENS	part
W1WMU	full
KA5M		part
N5GP		?

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