Mark, K5ER k5er at arrl.net
Mon Feb 25 20:33:46 CST 2013

             NAQP RTTY Score Summary Sheet

        Start Date : 2013-02-23

     CallSign Used : K5ER

Operator Category : SINGLE-OP
              Band : ALL
             Power : LOW
              Mode : RTTY

      ARRL Section : LA
         Club/Team : Louisiana Contest Club
          Software : N1MM Logger V12.12.1

         Band    QSOs    Pts  Sec
          3.5      97      97   36    1
            7      52      52   26    0
           14      55      55   23    0
           21      56      56   23    1
           28      14      14    4    1
        Total     274     274  112    3

             Score : 31,510

	Once again, too many distractions. Didn't really plan on participating, 
and instead was looking for last 3 states and a few new countries on 160. I 
had taken time to load 2Tone, after Don spoke so highly of it, and decided 
to give it a try. Early on, spent a little while on telephone with Bobby, 
but still didn't get his interface working. Had unexpected company drop by 
for a "short" 2 hour visit, and still had to re-hang my 80 meter antenna, 
which fortunately seemed to work better than before. Time management was 
not my friend, but still had lots of fun.

	Don's write-up was right on. 2Tone was MUCH more forgiving when not being 
zero beat on someone's freq. Still too new to this mode to speculate too 
much, but three times, 2Tone didn't copy ANY characters while MMTTY copied 
an entire exchange. One other time, 2Tone missed only a single character. 
Other than those 4 times, 2Tone copied as good or better on every other 
contact. Several times, I didn't see anything on the tuning indicator, or 
hear anything from the speaker, yet 2Tone was able to decode a contact. I 
wish I had filmed my screen, because while totally unscientific, I'd 
guesstimate that on at least 80-90 contacts, MMTTY missed either the call, 
my exchange, or both. Not just a letter or two, but enough that I could not 
guess what would have been correct. Through weak signals, fades and some 
slightly off freq, 2Tone copied them all, as long as the tuning indicator 
wan near their freq. As mentioned, since still new, I am still getting used 
to having to watch a tuning indicator and read the text. Add in SO2R, and I 
have two of each, and now with the new decoder, I have four of each. Still, 
its that much better and saved me from dozens and dozens of having to ask 
for fills. Thanks David, G3YYD, for a great piece of software, and thanks 
again, Don, for sharing your experience and passion for the hobby. We are 
all better because of it.

Mark, K5ER

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