Mark, K5ER k5er at arrl.net
Sun Aug 18 02:07:41 CDT 2013

                     North American QSO Party, SSB - August

Call: K5ER

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 9.5

  Band  QSOs  Mults
   160:   10     8
    80:   63    28
    40:   60    27
    20:  134    37
    15:  141    21
    10:    1     1
Total:  409   122  Total Score = 49,898

Club: Louisiana Contest Club

Team: LCC Team #1

I had thought about skipping this one, but a call from Scott Saturday AM 
made me decide to play. Glad I did, as I had fun. I did make (at least) one 
serious error. I had taken some off time when the bands were a little flat 
in mid afternoon. I later took off to eat supper with the family and when I 
went back to shack, I didn't pay close enough attention to the clock. I 
started about 20 seconds too soon and had a total of 119 minutes of off 
time. Requirement is 2 hours (120 minutes) off time, and breaks have to be 
at least 30 minutes, so I had to shut down 30 minutes before end of the 
contest. RATS - I had a decent rate at that point. I would have broken 50K 
and been very close to Mike, had I not screwed that up.

Oh well, it was fun to speak with lots of friends. See ya'll in the next one.

Mark, K5ER
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