[LCC] Meeting Highlights

Mark, K5ER k5er at arrl.net
Wed Oct 10 00:40:54 CDT 2012

Hey Guys,
	For those who missed the meeting at the Pineville hamfest, you missed a 
pretty good one. Ten members and two guests were in attendance. The WX was 
great and it was good to see friends. I wish there were some way the LCC 
could meet more often, as I really enjoy visiting with my contest friends 
(and competitors), and talking about my favorite part of the hobby.

	We did have some business to work through, namely election of officers for 
2013. There was only one nominee each for the offices of President, Vice 
President and Secretary/Treasurer. We had three nominees for the two 
offices of director. With the results of online voting combined with a live 
vote at the meeting, I am happy to present your officers for 2013.
President - KI5XP, Charlie
Vice-President - KG5VK, Steve
Sec/Treas - W5WZ, Scott
Director - KN5O, Ted
Director - KA5M, Marsh

These officers take office on January 1, 2013. Please give them your 
support by participating in as many contests as possible and attending 
meetings whenever you can.

	It was voted at the meeting to secure meeting locations for our first two 
meetings of 2013, and then the incoming board would decide on the 
location/dates of the other two meetings. I have sent emails to the 
sponsors of the Rayne and Monroe hamfest with requests for a forum slot. 
I'll notify the board and post a message to this reflector when we receive 

	The presentation was a short handout - "A Contest Primer", by Ward Silver, 
QST magazine, Oct 2003 (used with permission). We covered several points in 
the article, including the need to work those "not really in the contest", 
and a mix of running and S&P. Also in the article was info on contest 
calendars and several logging software applications, which we extended into 
discussion on using rig control and integrating rtty, as well as how easy 
it is to produce ADIF, Cabrillo and summary files and submitting them to 
the contest sponsors (and 3830, club, etc). After the meeting, discussion 
on these subjects continued in the main hall and several members even 
continued drawing schematics and equipment layouts over lunch until after 2pm.

	We also welcome Mike, WA5JWU, from Baton Rouge as a new club member.

	Full minutes from the meeting should be posted to the "meeting" page on 
the club web site pretty soon.

Thanks and 73!
Mark, K5ER
President, LCC

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