Don Hill AA5AU aa5au at bellsouth.net
Mon Jul 18 22:28:19 EDT 2011

Great catch Glenn!  Yes, he did rescore:

80M - 85 Contacts, 32 Mults
40M - 121 Contacts, 31 Mults
20M - 61 Contacts, 29 Mults
15M - 7 Contacts, 4 Mults
Total - 274 Contacts x 96 Mults = 26304 points.

So that puts us at 319,448...  And that, my friends, puts us on top by a lot!!!  Now, we all have to make sure we submit our logs.
I submitted mine yesterday.

This is exciting news!!!  If you haven't seen the trophy that goes to each member of the winning team, I've posted pictures of mine
on my website here:


I actually have five now.  LCC won the team competition in July 2010 too (as well as July 2009).  If we win this July, it will mean
that the LCC has won the past three July events in a row!  Way cool...

73, Don AA5AU

-----Original Message-----
From: E Glenn Wolf Jr [mailto:glenn at arwolfpack.com] 
Sent: Monday, July 18, 2011 8:52 PM
To: 'Don Hill AA5AU'; lcc at louisianacontestclub.org; ''N5RN' Glenn'; ''NX8G' Rex'; 'Earl'
Subject: RE: LCC NAQP RTTY Team Score vs. SWACC

Didn't nx8g rescore to 26304?

-----Original Message-----
From: Don Hill AA5AU [mailto:aa5au at bellsouth.net]
Sent: Monday, July 18, 2011 20:30
To: lcc at louisianacontestclub.org; ''N5RN' Glenn'; ''NX8G' Rex'; 'Earl'
Subject: LCC NAQP RTTY Team Score vs. SWACC

The LCC team in the NAQP RTTY Contest has a combined score of:

Louisiana Contest Club:
  AA5AU               108,190
  N5ZM                 86,041
  K4WW                 57,288
  N5RN                 41,625
  NX8G                 14,248
  Team Total:         307,392

In comparison, SWACC is listed with a score of:

  WA5ZUP               86,172
  W8BAR(W1TO)          74,385
  W0BR                 61,254
  NX5O                 55,278
  W7WW                 31,878
  Team Total:         308,967

Our claimed score is second only to SWACC #1 and by only 1575 points.  After log checking, it's very possible we can still win this

Great job guys.

73, Don AA5AU

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