Mark Ketchell k5er at arrl.net
Mon Nov 22 14:19:32 EST 2010

	Wow, great scores, guys. Looks like we now have some really good 
competition across the state. Lots more activity in every category than 
just a few years ago. As Steve, KG5VK recently said, you can't just enter a 
contest and automatically expect to get a certificate anymore, you have to 
work for it.

	Just by the early posts, looks like some great rivalry brewing in the SO 
HP category between W5WZ, who is sometimes time challenged, and K5ENS, with 
some new aluminum and amp. Hey. I want to get in on some of that!

	For KC5WA to make over 200Q's running QRP is fantastic. I have seen times 
when 10-15 Q's would easily win this category - but no more. If you want to 
beat RC, you'd better bring you "A" game.

	I had fun as part of the multi op effort at KG5VK's, and can't wait to see 
the W5RU team post their score. Ted's crew was kicking behind and taking 
names - and the rest of the exchange, too.

	Congrats to all the competitors, hope you had fun enjoying the competition 
and camaraderie.  Congrats to the Louisiana Contest Club for raising 
awareness and helping to increase activity across the state.


Mark, K5ER

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