[LCC] FW: WPX contest

Roland na5q at w5ddl.org
Tue Mar 23 17:13:49 EDT 2010

New member Charles K5UA and I will be operating M/S from Charles shack using
call sign K5UA - full time.
Roland NA5Q


From: lcc-bounces at louisianacontestclub.org
[mailto:lcc-bounces at louisianacontestclub.org] On Behalf Of Mark Ketchell
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 3:51 PM
To: lcc at louisianacontestclub.org
Subject: [LCC] WPX contest

Hi Guys,
        The CQ WPX contest (SSB weekend) is upon us. Starting at 00:00
Saturday, Friday night, locally, and running for 48 hours (single ops can go
a max of 36). There ARE some rule changes this year, so be sure to visit the
sponsor's website, cqwpx.com , to check them out. This one does not support
team competition, but does promote club comp, so as always, be sure your
cabrillo file has "Louisiana Contest Club" in the appropriate line. There
are several categories to choose from, and the exchange is easy - signal
report and serial number. This is also called the prefix contest. Each
unique prefix, K5, WA5, WB5, AA5, etc., is a new multiplier. You can also
work everyone once per band, so you are likely to hear lots of requests to
"qsy another band?". Contacts vary in point value based on location AND
band, so the scores can go really high. With US able to work everybody, it
should be an opportunity for some good runs and lots of fun.

        So how about it? Who plans to be on, and what category?

call            category        bands           how much
K5ER            SOHP            ALL             full time

Mark, K5ER 
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