[LCC] NAQP ssb teams

Scott Dickson w5wz at w5wz.com
Sat Jan 16 08:56:59 EST 2010

Put W5WZ on a team




From: Mark, K5ER [mailto:k5er at arrl.net] 
Sent: Saturday, January 16, 2010 00:06
To: LCC at louisianacontestclub.org
Subject: [LCC] NAQP ssb teams


Hey guys,
        Even with the cold WX, its been busy lately, and this one slipped up
on us. NAQP ssb is TODAY, Saturday, January 16, starting at noon, local.
Complete rules are available at http://ncjweb.com/naqprules.php

        First, everyone who operates needs to insure that their Cabrillo
file includes the line:
CLUB: Louisiana Contest Club

        Remember, you can work contacts for credit once PER BAND, so don't
be surprised if you get QSY requests. 

        Next, we can form teams of up to five single ops to compete against
other teams. The usual mileage rules do NOT apply to teams. Multi's still
add scores to CLUB competition, but are not eligible for teams comp. Multi's
can work the entire 12 hours, and Single Ops can work up to 10 hours. 

        Last August, LCC Team #1 placed 12th. Come on guys, lets have some
participation and "make the box." If we have more than 5participants, we'll
form multiple teams.  I have to send in the registration before the start of
the contest, and have a little prep left in the morning, so I lets call the
cut-off at 11:00 Sat morning. So....Who plans to be on, and who wants to be
on a team?

        So far, we have

call            PartTime / Full Time
K5ER            F/T
W5WZ    P/T
your call here? 

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