[LCC] Logbook of The World Gets Ready for VUCC

Mark Ketchell k5er at arrl.net
Wed Dec 22 16:58:52 EST 2010

>Forwarded from the CTDXCC email listserver:

>New Stuff getting Ready at LOTW....
>ARRL's Logbook of the World (LoTW) -- an online system for amateurs to 
>confirm two-way contacts that can be used for various ARRL awards -- is 
>currently being upgraded. When this upgrade is implemented, amateurs can 
>use LoTW to apply for awards based on Maidenhead grid squares, such as 
>VUCC and the Fred Fish Memorial Award. As LoTW goes into testing mode for 
>these changes, its ability to accept awards applications for DXCC and WAS 
>has been temporarily suspended, but it will still process and accept 
>uploads. LoTW's application function will be restored as soon as possible.

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